Here we are going to learn about WordPress theming. How can we create or develop own theme ? Here we discuss about some main ideas
Author: phpguruji
HTTP Response Status Codes
HTTP response code shows that a HTTP request has been completed with some codes like 200, 201 etc. We can understand it like when a
How to Display All PHP Errors
To display all errors in PHP, you need to configure error reporting settings either in your PHP script, configuration file (`php.ini`), or using other server
What is Google Firebase
Firebase is a very cool tool of Google. Firebase is a very important tool for both mobile and web applications. Firebase is very helpful for
Ubuntu unzip into folder
Ubuntu is most popular operating system for development purpose and using by most of the developer. Ubuntu also come with many hosting provider like AWS,
Syntax error or access violation: 1101 BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column can’t have a default value
Today we discuss about an error in Laravel migration for json type and text type. Laravel provide migration feature for quickly create DB table through
Php Oop Access Modifiers
In Php, we use access modifiers with method or function or variables. Access modifiers control where method and properties will be accessible. Access modifiers are
Final keyword in PHP
In Php we can use final keyword with Classes and Methods. 1. Final Classes Prevent inheritance 2. Final Methods Prevent Method Overriding Final Classes:
Static Keyword In PHP
Here we discuss use of static keyword in php oops. In php we can use static keyword with properties and methods. When we declared any
Abstraction in php
Abstract Classes in PHP Abstract classes must have at least one abstract method. In php we can make class abstract using abstract keyword. All Child