Final keyword in PHP


In Php we can use final keyword with Classes and Methods.

1. Final Classes Prevent inheritance

2. Final Methods Prevent Method Overriding

Final Classes:

If we declare a class as final class then subclass can not be extend parent class.

	final Class Parent
		public function show($a,$b)
			echo "Multiplication of given no=".$mul;

	class Child extends Parent
		function show($a,$b)
			echo "Sum of given no=".$sum;
	$obj= new Child();
Output Fatal error: Class Child may not inherit from final class (Parent) in C:xampp\htdocs\test\index.php on line 17

Final Methods:

If we declared a method as final method in parent class then subclass can not be overriding parent class method.

class Parent	
	final function show($a,$b)
		$mul = $a*$b;
		echo "Multiplication of given no=".$mul;
class Child extends Parent
	public function show($a,$b)
		$sum = $a+$b;
		echo "Sum of given no=".$sum;
$obj= new Child();

Output Fatal error: Cannot override final method Parent::show() in C:xampp\htdocs\test\index.php on line 18

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