Final keyword in PHP

final keyword in PHP


In Php we can use final keyword with Classes and Methods.

1. Final Classes Prevent inheritance

2. Final Methods Prevent Method Overriding

Final Classes:

If we declare a class as final class then subclass can not be extend parent class.

	final Class Parent
		public function show($a,$b)
			echo "Multiplication of given no=".$mul;

	class Child extends Parent
		function show($a,$b)
			echo "Sum of given no=".$sum;
	$obj= new Child();
Output Fatal error: Class Child may not inherit from final class (Parent) in C:xampp\htdocs\test\index.php on line 17

Final Methods:

If we declared a method as final method in parent class then subclass can not be overriding parent class method.

class Parent	
	final function show($a,$b)
		$mul = $a*$b;
		echo "Multiplication of given no=".$mul;
class Child extends Parent
	public function show($a,$b)
		$sum = $a+$b;
		echo "Sum of given no=".$sum;
$obj= new Child();

Output Fatal error: Cannot override final method Parent::show() in C:xampp\htdocs\test\index.php on line 18

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